Monday 13 June 2011


          When we look at media, there are so many things involved that make us think about the way we look. Commercials, ads, products, models, etc. that all have a huge impact on the way we see ourselves. When teens look at themselves, some see a beautiful, young, healthy person, others see some not so good features about themselves. For examples, anorexics, who look in the mirror and see a bigger person, when in reality they are very, very thin. The media changes the way people look at themselves and lowers the confidence levels of teens everywhere. When teens look at magazines, or at television commercials, they see models that could be a size "0" in clothing and start to believe that's how thin they should be. Media changes people's opinions about themselves.

          ADVERTISING! Advertising is a HUGE factor for media affecting teens and their body images. Advertising is everywhere. You can look anywhere and always see ads, especially ones that affect teens and body image. When you look at ads, you can usually see the pattern that they have. The models that are in these ads, always seem to be tall, and thin ; very, very thin. When teenagers look at ads like these, it makes them feel like they HAVE to look this way. In reality, nobody looks that way. Photo-shopping can work magic when using it to make someone the perfect size and give them "the look." I know that for me, I'm not the "perfect" size, but seeing those models and how so many people try so hard to be like them, it somewhat makes me feel good because I know that I am at least healthy. At the same time, it makes me feel that I don't have the right look, and nobody will take a second look at me because I don't look like a model. Advertising does that to teens. Sometimes you can find a positive to the ad, but most of the time, its all negatives.

          TELEVISION! Television also has a lot of responsibility for the way teenagers see themselves as well. Shows that are on TV, along with the ads always portray the "perfect" person. Although some shows really show a reliable example of what life for teenagers is really like. I recall watching The Tyra Banks Show, and she was discussing body image and how the media affects the way, women especially, see themselves. A lot of the teen shows out there portray a body image that many people don't have and when they see those shows they feel worse about themselves. When teenagers look at themselves, in my opinion, they should be able to feel good about the way they look. Television shows should have characters with all types of backgrounds, and looks, not just the "perfect" person. Television has a huge impact on the way teens see themselves.

         Body Image may not seem like a big deal to most people, but when teenagers look at themselves in the mirror, usually teenage girls,  they usually do not see the person they actually are. They see someone other themselves and since TV shows, and advertisements portray the "perfect" person, that teenager doesn't feel good enough and they try to be someone they're not. The media only shows people who look like super models. If you ever really look at advertisements shown on television, you only see thin model looking people, not people who are actually normal size. 

          The media has a huge impact on the way teens see themselves and sometimes not even just teens. I feel that everyone should be happy in their own body, whether it be skinny, or more athletic, tall or short, everyone should feel comfortable. The media should show all different body types on television, in advertisements and even in movies, to show the world that people are built in all shapes and sizes. The majority of the world does not look the way any models actually do. As the image says above "there are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels and only 8 who do." People shouldn't be afraid to be who they are and not have to change that. For some words of advice - BE WHO YOU ARE AND DON'T BE AFRAID OF WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU. Nobodies perfect, and you are who you are, so be proud! :) 

~ Follow the link to read more about Body Image :

~ To read about some body image stories ; click the link :

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