Thursday 9 June 2011


          When it comes to Facebook, MSN and other social networking sites, they have all sorts of people on them. In Canada alone, there are 16,632,560 total Facebook users. This does raise the point that we have less human contact. I feel that yes, we as humans spend a lot of time online talking to people instead of actually going to them to have a conversation. Online networking does have its positives and its negatives, but overall,  does mean less human contact and not as much time spent outdoors. 

           The positives of having social networking sites such as Facebook, MSN, Twitter and etc. are that they allow you to keep in touch with old friends and family. For example, if you have a really close friend who moves away and there is no opportunity to for you to see them when you want to, networking sites are available to keep in touch with them. I know that growing up, I had a really close friend who I loved spending time with. When she moved away with her family, I hated the fact I wouldn't be able to see her. I'm so happy that we can keep in contact via Facebook because it's better than having no contact at all. Another positive about social networks are that now it is possible to have privacy. On sites like Facebook and Myspace, you have the ability to "block" your profiles and choose who views it. When they are searching a person, they may only be able to see their name, picture and their gender, because the person has blocked what they see. 

          Although there are some positives to networking sites, there are also some negatives. Networking sites send spam and it's very hard to get rid of. When you subscribed to a networking site using your email, spam messages can and probably will get sent to your email. These spam messages can also cause viruses to your computers which causes some serious problems. Another negative to using social networking sites are that there are online predators out there. Just because you start talking to someone online and see a "cute" picture of them, or someone they are  trying to be, doesn't mean its necessarily them. There are people out there who search for people as their "targets," to try to get close to and get the chance to meet. When people agree to meeting people they don't know, things can happen that can be very dangerous and scary.  

          In my personal opinion I feel that some social networking sites are not the greatest thing to be a part of. I know that I do used MSN, Facebook, etc. but, don't go out meeting / adding people that I don't know. I believe that it is very scary and wrong for people to be talking to strangers. I also know that for my Facebook profile, everything is blocked because I don't want "creepers" looking at my profile and knowing everything about me. I have it set so only people who are my "friends" on Facebook, can read the information about me. I do know the negatives of having sites like this but, I still am very active and enjoy being outside. I'm not the type of person to sit on the computer all day because it's just not as enjoyable as going out and hanging out with my friends or doing activities/sports. 

          Social networking does cause problems but, in my opinion, it's your own choice what sites you use. I do feel that some people spend way to much time in front of the computer and not getting out and in reality our society doesn't need to leave the house anymore. All that I know is that for me, I choose to not spend hours and hours at a time in front of the computer. I enjoy being outside and actually meeting up with friends. The new media that continues to come out in the future will cause more and more people to be spending time in front of the computer screen but, it's important for people to realize what they love to do and make sure they continue doing it, like a sport. The Internet is there and probably always will be but, it doesn't mean we need to be on it 24/7 meeting strangers or creeping other people. Facebook, MSN and other social networks have their positives and their negatives, but either way should be used in the most useful ways possible. 

To read more about social networking , follow the link below :


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